Monday, September 20, 2010

hati yg lara

kenapa bla kita ikhlas sygkan seseorg kta akn d
tinggalkan???knp???knp???knp???sedih tau bla
diri dipersoalkan oleh pmpuan len...
hmm....aku kna kuat!!!!!! jgn mengalah
dgn dugaan idup...benda yg lepas biar ar lepas...
jgn ingat dah...
teruskan idup!!!!!!!!!!
maju ke hadapan!!!!!!!!!!!!
terus melangkah dgn
penuh semangat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Pollution has become a major issue over the years. It has caused death, disease, and many health problems. It is a major concern of our world today and not much is being done to prevent it. If not all, a lot of pollution is caused by humans. There are different types like industrial, agricultural, etc. Many people are realizing now the threat that pollution poses to humans.

There are three main types of pollution. They are land, air, and water pollution. Land pollution deals with dumps or other harmful substances. Strip mining, digging, and irrigation are types of land pollution also. They aren’t as harmful to us but they scar and hurt the land. Landfills are a major source of pollution. Most are infested with disease or with animals carrying disease. Many contain harmful chemicals that seep into the land or gasses that cause explosions or fires. Solid and hazardous wastes are found in landfills and dumps. Solid wastes are the most visible form of land pollution. Every year, humans dispose of billions of tons of solid wastes. Most of our disposal methods cause harm to the environment. Hazardous wastes are substances released into the environment that can cause death or harm to people and their surroundings. These wastes are very hard to dispose of and usually contaminate the environment quickly.

Why smoking is bad???

Smoking is an expensive habit and it should be banned. Although smokers claim that it helps them to relax and release stress, the negative aspects of the habit outweigh the positive. It is a health hazard for both smokers and non-smokers and it is especially harmful to unborn babies. Cigarettes are also addictive because of the nicotine they contain.

Cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems which are expensive to treat. It is a major cause of respiratory diseases such as asthma, lung cancer and bronchitis. It also leads to heart disease. In spite of the money which the Government receives from taxing cigarettes, the cost of medical treatment for these diseases exceeds this income. As a consequence, non smoking taxpayers are forced to pay for the health costs of smokers. This is a very unfair situation.

Another reason for banning smoking is that cigarette smoke affects the health of non-smokers and unborn babies. Non-smokers soften suffer from eye and nose irritations, allergies and headaches as a result of inhaling second-hand smoke. There is also evidence to suggest that passive smoking may cause lung cancer. Smoking during pregnancy can hinder to growth of the foetus and may even result in death.

Finally, the nicotine which is found in cigarettes is highly addictive. Other addictive substances such as cocaine and heroin are illegal. The fact that tobacco remains legal is an anomaly.

Thus, in summary, smoking causes numerous illnesses which are expensive to treat. It disturbs non-smokers and is an unhealthy addiction. Therefore, cigarettes should definitely be banned so as to make the world a better place for everyone.

LOVE???? NO!!!!!!!!

Love, Love, Love. Such a small word, paired with such a vital meaning. I'm only fifteen, I haven't a clue as to what love is, let alone what falling in love is, however I have my idea of it. I have witnessed the beauty of people falling in love, and the severity of those falling out of love. Love as a whole is frightening, some run from it; they put up walls so that way people cannot enter their hearts. Others are drawn in; they offer their heart on a silver platter hoping no one dares to break it.

From my mere observations, I've come to notice that people sometimes try so desperately hard to fall in love, they manage to fool themselves into thinking it's genuine. I think falling in love with someone happens when you least expect it to, when you're too busy focusing on another aspect of your life. This is where fate comes into play. That specific person was led to you for some unknown reason. After encountering grief from love, the hope we once had has been robbed from our hearts. We sway ourselves to believe that we're incapable of loving again. How could I ever hand my trust to someone? The truth is, you will love again, and you will also trust again. You have to simply let things get themselves done, that's when you know it's meant to be, because destiny took it's course, and while you were too busy doing something else, the love of your life came along.

Love dates way back to when the world began, in reality we really have no idea what love truly is. Raising questions like, is it even real? We watch love movies, read romance novels, but that's the sugar-coated, sweet and simple version of it. Meet someone, fall in love, get married, have kids, spend the rest of your lives together. What about the suffering we have to endure when falling in love? Risking everything for that one person? And even when we feel we've reached the end of the road, this person has the power to leave us at any given moment. We put ourselves out there with the chance they can break us apart. Be cautious when falling in love, keep your guard up, and stand your ground. Your giving someone your life, you're relying on them for LOVE.

My advice to whoever reads this, there's something you have to realize. Not everything will turn out as planned, not everyone will remain in your life. People walk out for different reasons; it may be against their will, or in their favour. Sometimes pain is the only thing we truly learn from. We all wage wars against ourselves and the people around us, without noticing that we're the ones who are losing. There's no real way of letting go. You can't let go of your past, you can't let go of the trials in which made you who you are today. And as much as we may convince ourselves that we've forgotten about how things used to be, we would give anything to get back what we've lost in the past. We have to wake up in the morning, stare ourselves in the face and hope to be content with who's looking right back at you..

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

the moon

one night i look at the sky
i saw the beutiful moon
suddenly the moon ask to me,
moon:why u dont leave the man
that be u cry every day????
then i ask back to the moon
I:why u dont ever leave the
u know why iask like that to
the moon???
give me the answer now!!!!!!